
St Patrick's College Strathfield

EREA Climate Crisis Statement

The EREA Climate Crisis Statement, Ask the Earth and it will teach you, was launched on 19 August 2021. The Statement speaks to us with hope and optimism grounded in a call for renewed and reimagined action. It has been developed over 18 months through consultation with over 1600 young people from EREA schools and various other members of our school communities. We are seeking a shift in attitudes and actions, to address the climate crisis and to restore harmony to God’s creation.

St Patrick’s College, Strathfield is committed to an authentically sustainable present and future, ensuring we care for ‘our common home’.  We are called by God to protect the earth and inspired by the example of St Francis of Assisi, as we heed the words of Pope Francis in Laudato si’. Our promise to learn from the earth and work with it stands alongside the positional statement from EREA. To view this statement and supporting documentation use this link:

EREA Climate Crisis Statement